Terms Of Use
All information and content published at https://www.oteo.ch, in particular the functions of the calculation tool (comparison of Swiss municipalities) as well as their designs and software, are protected by copyright and are the property of Stefan Wüst, hereinafter referred to as oteo.ch. oteo.ch expressly reserves all rights in this respect. By using, downloading or copying, no rights whatsoever are transferred to you with regard to the software or other elements of the content available at the Internet address www.oteo.ch.
Use of the website
Use of the oteo.ch website is subject to the following conditions:
- oteo.ch provides its comparison services free of charge.
- Users of oteo.ch expressly undertake not to make any further use of the information made available on oteo.ch in anymanner or form outside the original purpose of use. In particular, the user shall refrain from copying, publishing orotherwise reproducing the accessible data in any form, namely on the Internet.
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The information published by oteo.ch does not constitute a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any products or services.
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The place of jurisdiction is Basel.
Applicable law
The use of this website is subject to Swiss law.